BHRT (Hormones)

We are experts in hormone replacement. Whether you want to optimize your existing treatment or are thinking of getting started, we have solutions for you. Bio-identical means replacing your natural hormones. With any therapy the are risks and benefits to consider with your doctor or pharmacist before treatment. We always recommend replacing the identical hormones through manufactured or compounded preparations that require a prescription. We have some options to get started to support your body use its own hormones.

Our preferred non-hormone products are Alpha Male X and Alpha Female. We also have specific treatments for PMS and Menopause issues that are not allowed to be sold online, please call for more information 512-643-0999

East Austin Medicine Shop
Regular price $43.31
East Austin Medicine Shop
Regular price $32.00
East Austin Medicine Shop
From $19.50
East Austin Medicine Shop
Regular price $36.00
East Austin Medicine Shop
Regular price $36.00